
The AIR Feedback Model

2-40 people

Constructive feedback is a type of feedback that focuses on an individual's performance and helps them develop successful habits and behaviors. The key aspect of constructive feedback is that it is meant to build and not discourage. This approach turns seemingly negative feedback into a launch pad for learning and development opportunities.

Workshop steps


Develop a habit of regularly seeking feedback and use a clear framework to make team members feel more prepared when giving and receiving constructive feedback, even if it's challenging. Utilize the AIR Feedback Model as a helpful framework for constructive feedback, which stands for "Action," "Impact," and "Request." 1. Action: Identify a specific action you personally observed (not secondhand). 2. Impact: Describe the effect of that action on you. 3. Request: Ask if the person is willing to make a change, using a SMART request - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Ensure the request is feasible and can be accomplished with available resources. Remember, a SMART request should be: - Specific: Well-defined, clear, and unambiguous - Measurable: With specific criteria to measure progress toward the goal - Achievable: Attainable and not impossible to achieve - Realistic: Within reach, realistic, and relevant - Timely: With a clearly defined timeline, including a starting date and a target date.


THE STEPS 1. Describe the listener's behavior without blaming them. Action When you ________________ (specific action, real-life example). 2. Explain how that behavior affects the speaker. The result is ________________ (how the action impacts you). 3. Make a request. Could you please ________________? Example: "When you arrived late on Thursday morning for the meeting, I felt stressed because I wasn't ready to present your part. Could you please be on time for our meeting tomorrow morning?"


Variation: Don't forget to provide appreciative feedback as well! Use this formula to offer both constructive and appreciative feedback. Maintain a balance in your feedback to avoid leaning too much towards either constructive or appreciative aspects. Example: "I observed on Thursday morning that you conducted an informative, challenging, yet enjoyable and engaging session for the participants. As a result, you've inspired me, and I want to create similar sessions for my learning groups. Can we schedule a meeting within the next week for you to share your best tips on designing such sessions?"


Principles for Effective Feedback Conversations: 1. Timing: Consider the other person's needs and ask if it's a suitable time for feedback. 2. Self-awareness: Ensure you're calm and composed before giving feedback. 3. Be descriptive: Focus on the specific behavior, not personality traits or hearsay. 4. Avoid judgment: Refrain from labeling the person. 5. Focus on performance: Keep the feedback task-oriented. 6. Don't try to change or fix the person. 7. Be clear and concise. 8. Regularly ask for feedback instead of waiting for it. 9. Request permission before giving feedback. 10. Own your feedback: Speak from your perspective, not as a group. 11. Separate your thoughts and feelings from others. 12. Be specific: Avoid generalizations. 13. Provide timely and regular feedback. 14. Don't save multiple remarks for one conversation. 15. Prioritize connection with the person. 16. Focus on solutions rather than problems.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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