
Project Point of Departure

2-10 people

This approach enables both individuals and teams to establish the framework, objectives, and initial actions of a project. By answering a series of questions, the individual or team can record their responses in a digital format that can be easily shared. This document can either evolve with the project or remain a succinct record of the project's starting point.

Workshop steps


Gather the project team for a meeting. Start with a brief check-in to confirm everyone's mental and physical presence. Inform the group that this will be a concise workshop aimed at establishing a clear structure and direction for the upcoming project. The session will be quick and focused, involving nine questions for group discussion. Record the responses on paper and later transfer them to a digital document for sharing. To maintain momentum and efficiency, consider standing around a whiteboard or flipchart instead of sitting at a table.


Set up a Parking Lot area on the wall or table. Clarify that this will help us maintain focus. We'll "park" any unrelated points or questions in this area, and address them after the session.


As a group, decide the total time you'll allocate for this activity. Split the time evenly among the 8 questions: for example, if you have 90 minutes, allot 11 minutes for each question. As the facilitator, your responsibility is to maintain a focused and meaningful discussion. You can act as the note-taker and timekeeper, or assign these roles to other group members.


Create (or post a printed version of) the following questions. Tackle each one individually for the given time. Objective: What is the main goal of the project? (summarize in one sentence) Expected Results: What specific results should be accomplished by the project's conclusion? (list 2-4 key points) Target Audience & Benefits: Who is the project intended for? And what benefits does it offer them? (mention 3 key points or fewer) Participants: Who is involved and what are their responsibilities? Consider these suggested roles: - Lead: The person in charge of the project - Wingman: The primary support for the lead, assisting on a daily basis - Core: The main group of individuals working on the project - Advisory: Individuals the core team can consult for input and feedback - Decision: The leader or manager responsible for approving the project Milestones & Budget: What are the deadlines and available funds? (outline bullet points, at a high level) Collaboration: How will the team cooperate, communicate, distribute tasks, collaborate, and make decisions? (establish about 5 guidelines with brief explanations for each) Success/Failure Criteria: What constitutes success? What constitutes failure? (provide 4-5 key points for each) Related Projects: What other projects are linked to this one? Are there any additional documents or data sources to consider? (enumerate the connections and include hyperlinks to essential documents)


After answering and documenting each question, determine who will be responsible for consolidating the information into a digital document for the team. Before ending the session, allow the project lead to clarify any necessary points.


Conclude by conducting a check-out, inquiring from each individual about their subsequent action concerning this project.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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