
Near and Dear

10-40 people

Have you ever found yourself in a group discussion where the decision being made doesn't really affect you? Or have you ever noticed that some members of the group are just as passionate about the outcome as you, even though it doesn't directly impact them? When making group decisions, it's important to recognize that not everyone has the same level of investment in the outcome. This tool can help identify who truly has a stake in the decision and prioritize their input accordingly.

Workshop steps


Determine the choice that must be made. For example: "Let's figure out who will take their vacation and when during this summer."


Assign a number from 1-10 to indicate your concern about the result and discuss it with the group. 1 signifies low importance 10 signifies high importance Example 1: A: "I need to attend a wedding in June, so getting my desired weeks off is a 10 for me." B: "I don't have many plans this summer, so I'm fine with taking a vacation anytime, as long as I get time off. It's a 4 for me." C: "I'd like to take a vacation in June, but I'm also open to July. It's a 5 for me."


The way you utilize the ratings depends on you and may vary in different situations. "Since A considers it most crucial, they should pick their vacation weeks first, followed by C, and lastly B." Important: All participants must commit to assessing their own interest in the decision and providing an honest rating. Example 2: Apply it to determine your involvement in a project like this: "With the upcoming major salary negotiation, I rate a 10 for being firm on the agreed salary, but a 0 for the font selection in the contract." Consider: Will you let those with the highest ratings make the final call? Or will the ratings just provide context for the discussion around the decision?

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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