
Integrate Feedback and Iterate

2-40 people

Incorporating feedback from the individuals you are designing for is a crucial aspect of human-centered design. During the Inspiration Phase, you gained insights from people, and in the Ideation Phase, presenting your work to them and gathering their opinions is an effective way to continue learning. By integrating their feedback into your work and creating another prototype, you can refine your idea until it becomes something that is likely to be accepted and embraced.

Workshop steps


Gather your design team and discuss the feedback you've gathered. Utilize the Share Inspiring Stories or Download Your Learnings techniques to effectively communicate your findings.


Now, you might want to consolidate the feedback received. Start by developing frameworks based on the input and its relevance to your idea. Then, initiate a brainstorming session to explore how your idea can evolve based on the feedback.


Utilize the Prototype Report Card worksheet to record your discoveries and determine the necessary adjustments.


After deciding on the necessary changes for your prototype, it's time to make it concrete. Return to the Build and Run Prototypes activity to repeat the building and testing process.


Keep in mind that this technique is for polishing your concept, not for reaching the perfect solution initially. You'll likely repeat the process several times to iron out any issues and arrive at the correct outcome.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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