
I Like | I Wish | I Wonder

2-40 people

Innovation requires teams to explore, experiment, and take risks. Progress is made by incorporating feedback into early efforts. Feedback is an essential component of project development and is critical to the iterative process. To foster a growth mindset and identify new opportunities, it is important to establish a framework that provides a safe space for both the giver and receiver of feedback. The "I Like, I Wish, I Wonder" process is a useful tool for collecting feedback quickly, whether online or in-person. Check out our Miro template below.

Workshop steps


Procedure This method is suitable for groups ranging from two to 100 members. The straightforward framework promotes positive feedback. For instance: "I appreciate that our team was divided into pairs for the task." "I suggest we should have held a meeting to discuss our strategy prior to user testing." "I'm curious if organizing a hack-a-thon to quickly integrate new team members could speed up our workflow?" Online Template link (Miro)


Subject Select a subject to receive feedback on. Possible options can be: - A newly developed prototype - Design projects (designs, promotional materials, ideas, workshop concepts, etc.) - A mission, vision, or plan - Reviews on workshops and meetings - Feedback exchange among peers - And more...


Compose: I Enjoy, I Desire, and I Ponder Organize it based on your group size - either in groups of 6-10 people (for larger gatherings) or as a single group for smaller ones. Give each participant 3-5 minutes to write one sticky note under each heading. For online sessions: Utilize breakout rooms instead of physical tables.


Share Your Feedback and categorize it accordingly Allow each participant around a minute to express their feedback. Request each individual to share their feedback one at a time while placing it on the flip chart(s) or virtual whiteboard - under the relevant category. either in groups of 6-10 people at each table (for larger gatherings), or on the main flip chart(s) - if working with a single group. Online guidance: either utilize a virtual whiteboard in each breakout room (for example, create frames [a board] for each group) in breakout groups of around 6 people, or use one main virtual whiteboard for a smaller overall group. Using I-statements for feedback is ideal - it makes us take responsibility for our own perspective, rather than blaming the other person. This simple tool specifically encourages open feedback. “I like” serves as an initial point for discussing what went well or what is positive about an idea. “I wish” acts as an initial point for suggesting what could be changed or improved. “I wonder” can be an initial point for addressing unanswered questions and sharing ideas. The "I wonder" category could also be named "What If".


ADVICE When receiving feedback, just listen and avoid engaging in conversation or explanations with the person providing it. Simply express gratitude by saying "thank you" to the person giving feedback. Pay attention to specific words and phrases, as they can inspire ideas for improving your approach. Resist the urge to defend or debate the feedback. Instead, seek clarification and discuss further when appropriate at a later time.


Gather and analyze the feedback Identify areas for improvement Recognize successful aspects Determine the following actions Utilize the Who/What/When Matrix to assist in planning actions for the next steps.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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