
Exploring Client Centricity

2-10 people

The concept of "client-centricity" involves placing the client or customer at the core of a company's philosophy, strategy, and operations. This practice encourages collaborative discussion and introspection regarding an organization's approach to its clients. Participants share their positive experiences as clients and use them to establish a collective understanding of "client-centricity." They also examine various client groups based on their needs and evaluate the organization's past success in meeting those needs. The exercise concludes with identifying areas for improvement and prioritizing them accordingly.

Workshop steps


Begin the session by stating its objective: "to examine and contemplate our organization's client-centricity and work towards enhancing it." Present this fundamental definition of client-centricity as a general guideline for the workshop. Clarify that client-centricity can have various meanings, and this is just one comprehensive interpretation: "Client-centricity" (or 'client-focus') refers to a business approach that prioritizes the client/customer at the core of an organization's principles, tactics, and functions." Initiate a check-in by requesting participants to share their expectations and contributions for the workshop.


To help participants develop empathy, encourage them to remember a great experience they had as a customer. What made it so enjoyable? What factors contributed to their satisfaction? Gather around a whiteboard or flipchart in a horseshoe formation. Have each participant briefly share their experience while you jot down essential factors, words, or principles that come up. This activity should take approximately 15 minutes.


While gathered around the whiteboard or flipchart, challenge the participants to define "client-centricity" for their organization in a single sentence. Divide them into groups of 3-4 people and allot 10 minutes for this task. Instruct each group to write their definition clearly on an A4-sized paper. Once the time is up, reconvene the groups and have them display their definitions on the wall. Read each definition aloud and encourage the group to identify common words and phrases, highlighting them as they are mentioned. Explain that these statements form a collective working definition for the group, despite any minor differences between them.


Once the participants have established their approach, instruct them to consider their target clients. Provide them with post-it notes and a pen, and have them sit individually to contemplate the reasons clients purchase their products or services, using the "Help me..." format. For instance: "Help me create more robust teams in my company" "Help me gain a deeper understanding of technology's impact on my sector" "Help me implement more innovative work techniques" After everyone has completed this task or the allotted time has passed, ask participants to attach their phrases to a flipchart, whiteboard, or wall, one at a time. They should group similar reasons together as they post them. Additional time may be needed for grouping once all the notes are up. This activity should take approximately 10 minutes in total.


Divide the group into teams of 3-4 members. Assign each team a post-it grouping that represents a specific client type. Display the following client-centric behavior categories on a whiteboard, flipchart, or projector (refer to the list below): 1. Listening to client feedback based on their experience with us 2. Designing customized products and services around their needs 3. Tracking the quality of their experience as a more important metric than money 4. Training staff in client-facing roles to have excellent interpersonal skills 5. Continuously enhancing the service provided, responding to changing needs 6. Investing in growing relationships rather than chasing new accounts Have teams discuss their assigned client in terms of these categories. Encourage them to identify instances of success and failure. Instruct them to write down each example on a flipchart or large post-its. Allocate 30-40 minutes for this activity, but be flexible according to the group's needs.


Allow the teams 5 minutes to create a brief presentation highlighting their main takeaways for the larger group. Following the presentations, engage the entire group in a discussion about the crucial improvement areas identified during the session. You or the group should then document and prioritize these areas.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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