
Design Sprint for Any Team

2-10 people

This workshop is modeled after Google's design sprint process and offers teams a framework for quickly prototyping and testing new ideas. It's perfect for brainstorming, prototyping, and experimenting with new concepts while honing your team's creative and rapid problem-solving skills. The workshop can be conducted either in-person or online.

Workshop steps


Begin using this tool by clearly identifying the challenge or problem you aim to address. This rapid prototyping method is adapted from Google's excellent Sprint book, with credit to Jake Knapp and the Google Ventures team. For more in-depth information on each section, consider purchasing the book. We've designed this tool for greater flexibility, as the complete Sprint process requires 5 full days. The sprint process consists of 7 sections, each with an assigned time percentage. Regardless of your available time for this prototyping sprint (4 hours or 4 days), try to allocate it according to these percentages: - Map - 10% - Target - 10% - Sketch - 20% - Decide - 10% - Storyboard - 10% - Prototype - 20% - Test - 20% We advise setting aside at least half a day for a condensed version of this process. Ensure you have a quiet, adaptable workspace and a team dedicated to the prototyping process. We recommend reading through the entire process before planning it with your team, as being prepared is crucial due to the numerous steps involved.


In Section 1, create a visual map to represent the challenge you want to address or change, such as a user experience, product, or service. Use a wall, whiteboard, or virtual whiteboard for this task and write everything clearly and large. 1. Begin by writing a brief and setting a goal for yourself. - Identify the challenge you're addressing in this sprint. - Determine what you want to achieve from the sprint. - Decide what you'd like to prototype. 2. Next, formulate a series of sprint questions to add more detail to your brief and goal. - List the elements you want to explore within the main challenge. - Mention what you're curious to discover. - State what you'd like to learn more about. 3. Lastly, create a map illustrating how your team currently tackles the challenge. Start with the challenge on the left and progress towards the goal on the right. Use sticky notes, boxes, and arrows to make it visually appealing.


In Section 2, focus on Targeting. Interview up to 5 experts about your challenge and gather their insights. Ensure you include people with diverse perspectives. Allocate 30 minutes for each expert: let them share their thoughts on your brief for 10-15 minutes, followed by a 10-15 minute Q&A session. When recording their insights, frame your notes as "How might we...?" questions, writing one per post-it, such as: - How might we better engage people on social media? - How might we utilize new tech to enhance the service? - How might we remain true to our purpose? After consulting all experts, display the questions on a wall and group them. - For online sessions, create distinct sections on your virtual whiteboard to post and cluster. Engage in an open discussion to determine a focus area for your prototype, using the clustered questions and your progress so far. You may choose to prototype your entire challenge area or just a portion of it. Ensure you have a clear understanding of what you'll create by the end of this step.


In Section 3, we'll focus on Sketching. You'll be creating solutions for your challenge individually. First, share 2-3 examples of existing products or services that effectively address this challenge. Display them on a screen or your phones, and write the examples on a wall or virtual whiteboard. Next, it's time to sketch your solutions individually. Grab some paper and a pen, and walk around the room to review everything you've gathered so far. Write down any thoughts that come to mind. - If you're online: Review the collected information and jot down any ideas that come to mind. Now, start drawing at least 8 different solutions per person, adding as much detail as possible. Afterward, choose one of your solutions and create a more detailed sketch of it. Ensure it's clear enough for someone to understand without your explanation. Finally, display all the detailed sketches on a wall for the next section. - If you're online: Take a photo and upload your sketches to your virtual whiteboard.


It's time to choose a path forward. Review all gathered solutions and provide feedback or ask questions by adding sticky notes or virtual sticky notes beneath them. Allow each team member a few minutes to present their solution and answer any questions or clarify any points. Utilize the Dotmocracy tool to select one or two solutions to proceed with. As a group, focus on the chosen solutions and transform them into a Storyboard. Attach 10-15 letter/A4 sheets of paper on the wall as your storyboard slides, or create 10-15 frames on your virtual whiteboards. Spend the necessary time to thoroughly map out the solution on the storyboard, ensuring everyone understands the concept and enriching its details.


It's Time to Create a Prototype! Now, it's time to develop a version of the solution based on your storyboard. Utilize any prototyping tools you find helpful and relevant for bringing your idea to life. You might want to consider tools like PopApp and Marvel. Allocate either 1 hour or 1 day for this task, and divide your team effectively. Make the most of everyone's skills. - For online collaboration, use breakout rooms to separate the teams. By the end of this step, you should have a rough representation of your solution that you can present to others. Depending on your project, this could be a clickable prototype for a web application, a space layout for an in-person service, or a drafted session for an educational experience. Don't forget to test your prototype before moving on to the final stage.


The last step involves testing your creation. Gather a few individuals, either from within or outside your organization, who are willing to participate as test subjects. Establish a testing area where you can allocate approximately 20 minutes per test subject for asking questions, taking notes, and showcasing the prototype. Ensure you ask open-ended and pertinent questions that will maximize the benefits of the tests. Collaborate with your team to develop these questions and assign the interviewer role to the most suitable team member. Once all interviews are completed, compile the notes with your team. Identify patterns and insights that will enhance the prototype in future iterations and improve the overall solution.


Conclude this prototyping sprint by engaging in a team reflection on the entire process. Discuss the following questions and their responses: - What was the overall experience like? - To what extent did the solution address our brief? - What potential next steps can we take with this project? - How effectively did we collaborate as a team?

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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