
Critical Thinking Mindset

2-10 people

Having a critical thinking mindset enables individuals to contemplate new information by utilizing critical thinking questions. This approach involves scrutinizing sources such as data, facts, media, stories, observable phenomenon, and research findings. Effective critical thinkers are able to deduce logical conclusions from a given set of information and differentiate between pertinent and irrelevant details in order to resolve a problem or reach a decision. Possessing critical thinking skills is crucial for making informed and sound decisions.

Workshop steps


Select a subject for your critical thinking assessment.


When you come across or discuss new information, use the following simple and adaptable Critical Thinking Questions for any topic. These questions have endless possibilities for application. To make it actionable, jot down your questions and answers on paper or type them on a computer.


Who: - Gains advantages from this? - Might experience harm due to this? - Takes charge of decisions regarding this? - Faces more direct impact? - Have you heard talking about this? - Should be the ideal person to seek advice from? - Plays a crucial role in this matter? - Warrants appreciation for this?


WHAT Can we identify as strengths/weaknesses? Might be a different viewpoint? Could be an alternative option? May serve as a counter-argument? Represents the best/worst possible outcome? Holds the most/least significance? Should we do to create a positive impact? Seems to hinder our actions?


WHERE Where can we find this in real life? Can we identify related concepts or situations? Where is the greatest demand for this? Is this a global issue? How can we gather more details? Should we seek assistance for this? Where will this concept lead us? What areas can be improved?


WHEN Is it acceptable or unacceptable? Can it benefit our society? Might it lead to any issues? When should we take action? How will we recognize success? Did it play a role in our history? Can we anticipate any changes? Do we need assistance with this?


WHY Does this issue pose a challenge? Does it hold significance for me or others? What is the best or worst possible outcome? Are individuals affected by this matter? Is it essential for people to be aware of this? Has this situation persisted for a long time? Did we permit this to occur? Is there a current demand for addressing this issue?


HOW Can we compare this to _________? Will this cause any disruptions? Are we aware of the truth regarding this? Can we ensure a safe approach? Will this bring benefits to us or others? Might this cause harm to us or others? Do we envision this in the future? Is it possible to modify this for our benefit?


Develop a critical thinking mindset by practicing reflective and independent thinking. Essentially, critical thinking involves using your reasoning skills and being an active learner instead of just passively receiving information. Always question ideas and assumptions, rather than taking them at face value. Aim to discover if they represent the whole picture, and be open to learning if they don't. As a critical thinker, focus on identifying, analyzing, and systematically solving problems, rather than relying solely on intuition or instinct.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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