
Create a Project Plan

2-40 people

When embarking on your challenge, it is essential to develop a plan. This will enable you to consider all the logistics of your project, and although they may evolve as you progress, having a plan in place will put you in a better position to anticipate what lies ahead. Take time to reflect on your timeline, workspace, team, budget, required skills, travel arrangements, and necessary resources. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of these factors, you can stay on course.

Workshop steps


Begin by creating a calendar. Either print or craft a sizable one and display it in your workspace. Proceed to highlight crucial dates, such as deadlines, significant meetings, travel plans, or periods when your team members are not accessible.


Once you have an understanding of your timeline, examine your budget and staff. Ensure you have all the necessary resources. If you anticipate limitations, determine ways to overcome them.


Before entering the field, ensure you are well-informed about your topic. Identify the people you should consult and the materials you need to read to be fully prepared.


Address inquiries such as: What is the ideal time for my team to go to the field? Should we plan for one or two visits? Are our partners joining us? Organize all these aspects. Do we have to create something tangible? Determine the required time, budget, and workforce to accomplish it.


It's completely fine for your project plan to adapt as it progresses. Feel free to make adjustments along the way, but ensure you thoroughly consider your project before beginning.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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