
Conversation Starters

2-40 people

Conversation Starters aim to elicit a response and ignite conversation. The concept involves proposing various ideas related to a central theme to the target audience and observing their reactions. The ideas generated for Conversation Starters are expendable, and if they fail to work, they can be discarded without hesitation. The objective is to inspire innovative and unconventional thinking among the individuals you are designing for.

Workshop steps


Identify the desired reactions from the individuals you're designing for. For instance, when creating a sanitation system, develop various Conversation Starters related to toilets or privacy.


Generate various conversation-starting ideas, such as futuristic toilets, historical toilets, advanced toilets, and even the president's toilet. Create a list of these concepts to discuss with the individual you're designing for.


When you're with the person you're designing for, begin by expressing your interest in their responses to these Conversation Starters. They might be silly or absurd, but you're simply seeking their opinions.


When the individual you're designing for provides their perspective on your Conversation Starters, remain receptive to their interpretation of the ideas. If a particular concept resonates with them, inquire further with follow-up questions. This approach will enable you to gain valuable insights into their thought process and potential desires for your solution.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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