
Check-In / Check-Out

2-40 people

Purpose: The check-in and check-out procedures are crucial to our work and establish the tone for the tasks ahead. By crafting questions with intention and thoughtfulness, we can increase their impact and effectiveness. This approach provides a straightforward method for teams to initiate or conclude a process in a collaborative and symbolic manner. Checking-in/out encourages every team member to participate, be acknowledged, and heard. Checking-in highlights attentiveness, concentration, and group dedication, while checking-out emphasizes contemplation and finality.

Workshop steps


Check-In Process 1. Arrange seating in a circle or "U" shape for face-to-face meetings. 2. Select an appropriate check-in question based on the session's purpose, available time, and group members. Consider the following while crafting the question: - Time allocation: Should the question prompt a 3-5 minute story, a few words, or a couple of sentences from each person? - Connection to agenda: How can the check-in support the overall purpose and agenda of the gathering? - Tone setting: Do you want a playful, serious, connecting, or learning atmosphere? - Familiarity factor: If the group is used to check-ins, consider introducing fun and creative elements, like "the animal representing my mood today" or "my superhero power pose." 3. Alternatively, use a simple check-in question like, "Share a few words on how you are arriving today and what you need to say to be fully present." This can lead to a shorter check-in.


Participants take turns checking in, going in a circle or randomly. After everyone has checked in once, the process is complete.


Wrapping-up In a face-to-face setting, arrange yourselves in a circle or semi-circle. Encourage every group member to share one key takeaway from the session. This can be an emotion, a thought, a crucial point, a primary insight, or a top lesson learned. Select a wrap-up question that suits the group and the session's objective.


Participants take turns checking out, either in a circular order or randomly. After everyone has checked out, the process is finished.

Need help with this workshop?

Anna Lundqvist portrait
Anna Lundqvist
UX Designer and AI Ethics Strategist guiding innovative product development and educational workshops
Eddy Salzmann portrait
Eddy Salzmann
Design lead and team culture enthusiast driving products and design processes
Ola Möller portrait
Ola Möller
Founder of MethodKit who has a passion for organisations and seeing the big picture
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