No. #84
Outcome Bias
- Judging Decisions by Results
Outcome bias involves judging a decision based on its outcome rather than how the decision was made in the moment. This can affect evaluations of product strategies or features, potentially penalizing good decision-making that led to unfavorable outcomes by chance.
Read more on WikipediaProduct example
A well-researched feature that underperforms might be seen as a poor decision, ignoring the quality of the decision-making process.
Empathy tips
Focus on Process
Emphasize the importance of the decision-making process over outcomes in evaluations.
Educate on Bias
Educate teams on the nature of outcome bias and its impact on assessment.
Process Documentation
Encourage thorough documentation of decision-making processes.
Separate Outcome and Decision Evaluation
Create separate evaluations for outcomes and the decisions leading to them to ensure fair assessment.